Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Slanty Shanty Brewfest Part V! January 2008

We, at the Slanty Shanty have been brewing away getting ready for a new year of beer. So many gallons of beer so little time to brew. Geez. We will be giving a sneak preview of our new barleywine, the Slanty Panty's Raspberry Belgian, Wit Witch, and the treasured Cinnamon Belgian too! And of course everyone's Shanty favorites - Heffe Heffe Heffeweizen, Linoleum Pale Ale, Amarillo Ale, Amber Frye, & Maybe Marzen.

Hope to see you there!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Brewfest Part IV - April 7, 2007

Ater brewing and brewing and brewing and bottling and bottling and party pigging we are officially ready for Slanty Shanty Brewfest Part IV

We will have the following Slanty Shanty & Slanty Panty brews available:

LPA - Linnoleum Pale Ale - Slanty Shanty's famous and most popular American Style IPA.

Hefe Hefe - The Hugh Heffner Hefeweizen - traditional German Hefeweizen

The Amarillo Experiment - An almost all Amarillo hopped IPA dry hopped with Cascade whole hops - mmmmm

Nabilla Chocolate Vanilla Porter - Presented by the Slanty Panty(all women brewers) - Made with Scharfenberger cocoa nibs soaked in Swedish vodka to extract their delicious chocolate essence. Whole vanilla pods as well as extracted vanilla beans were added to the secondary fermenter to add a vanilla finish. Delicious!

Maybe Marzen - An IPA brewed Marzen

Sneak Preview of:

Beer Whench Barley Wine - Brewed June of 2006 this Barleywine will hit it's peak of readiness in June 2007 but we can all give it a try to see how it's doing.

Turkeybandit Cinnamon Belgian - Brewed by the Slanty Panty in honor of an infamous Finnish Cinnamon Belgian that a friend in Amsterdam, aka the Turkeybandit, is in love with, this 7.5% Alcohol Belgian should be interesting to say the least.

See you at the brewfest!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Slanty Shanty Brewfest Part III - May 28, 2006

After searching for a commercial kitchen to brew more beer, Dave discovered Brew It Up! in Sacramento. AKA "homebrewing to a whole new level". The brewers at Slanty Shanty decided that we should check it out. The possibility of making A LOT of beer at one time and being able to sell it to friends is enticing. we went.

12 cases later....we have a lot more beer.

Also, after gaining some, greatly needed, more free time, Nikki decided to make the first 100% all girl brewed "Hell Yeah!" IPA at the Slanty Shanty. Bottled by Jen. This should be ready in about 2 weeks.

Now we're up to 14 cases of beer.

So today Russ and Dave with a little help from Jen and Nikki bottled 4 more cases of LPA.

18 cases of beer.

Need we say more. Come to the "25 Gallons of Beer in the Wall Slanty Shanty Brewfest" on May 28th at, where else, the Slanty Shanty Brewhouse and take some home for yourself!

See you there!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Green Beer

I would like to say that I have never had green beer. Do not know anyone else who has had green beer and do not feel like beer needs to be green whether or not it's St. Patrick's Day.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Profound Beer & Beer Thoughts

Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy and that is why he helped to create Boont Amber Ale.
-Benjamin Franklin.


Our lager, Which arts in barrels, Hallowed be thy drink, Thy will be drunk, I will be drunk, At home as in the tavern, Give us this day our foamy head , And forgive us our spillages, As we forgive those who spill against us, And lead us not into carnation, But deliver us from hangovers, For thine is the beer, The bitter and the lager forever and ever.

And lastly, in honor of the Slanty Shanty's Bottlin
g Beer Wenches (as they like to be called....)

A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her.
- W.C. Fields

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Good Beer in the Making

Dave, the brewmaster, in the steeping phase.

Dijiridu the Turtle
- Slanty Shanty co-brewmaster.

Russ and Dave at the
Slanty Shanty Brewhouse.

Stay Tuned for Info on the SF Beer Tour on March 4th, 2006!

Welcome to the Slanty Shanty Beer Blog

For those who love really good beer, this is the place to be.

Definitition of "really good beer":

Those who drink budweiser, MGD or Coors please go on to the next blog.