Monday, March 26, 2007

Brewfest Part IV - April 7, 2007

Ater brewing and brewing and brewing and bottling and bottling and party pigging we are officially ready for Slanty Shanty Brewfest Part IV

We will have the following Slanty Shanty & Slanty Panty brews available:

LPA - Linnoleum Pale Ale - Slanty Shanty's famous and most popular American Style IPA.

Hefe Hefe - The Hugh Heffner Hefeweizen - traditional German Hefeweizen

The Amarillo Experiment - An almost all Amarillo hopped IPA dry hopped with Cascade whole hops - mmmmm

Nabilla Chocolate Vanilla Porter - Presented by the Slanty Panty(all women brewers) - Made with Scharfenberger cocoa nibs soaked in Swedish vodka to extract their delicious chocolate essence. Whole vanilla pods as well as extracted vanilla beans were added to the secondary fermenter to add a vanilla finish. Delicious!

Maybe Marzen - An IPA brewed Marzen

Sneak Preview of:

Beer Whench Barley Wine - Brewed June of 2006 this Barleywine will hit it's peak of readiness in June 2007 but we can all give it a try to see how it's doing.

Turkeybandit Cinnamon Belgian - Brewed by the Slanty Panty in honor of an infamous Finnish Cinnamon Belgian that a friend in Amsterdam, aka the Turkeybandit, is in love with, this 7.5% Alcohol Belgian should be interesting to say the least.

See you at the brewfest!


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